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The Great Betrayal
Invalidating Propaganda: An Example
The History of Texas

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Life is filled with surprises.  One of those surprises can be the result of collecting - discovering a shocking contradiction to "known fact" that had not been the objective in making an acquisition or series of acquisitions.  In short, allowing oneself to allow the facts to take you on a journey - an unexpected journey with unexpected results.

Too often, propaganda is dressed as facts.  Perhaps it is the result of the failure of our education system to teach people to think - and instead simply to memorize facts (or what passes as facts but is really propaganda, i.e., a lie). 

Einstein recognized this problem - which would have been quite personal to him because he had fled Nazi Germany, then the epicenter for indoctrinating citizens by passing off lies as fact.

But it is naive to think that Nazi Germany, or the Soviet Union, had a monopoly on deceiving its citizens to manipulate an outcome.  Today, in the United States, there are those both in and outside government who insist that slavery was introduced to North this British colonists in 1619.


The inconvenient truth, is that the Inca, Maya, Aztec and other so-called innocent indigenous peoples ALL practiced slavery - of even a worse kind using slaves not only for their labor but also for blood sacrifice.  Those are the facts.  The only reason the slaves weren't black is because there were no Blacks for the innocent indigenous peoples of the Americas to enslave.  So slavery was present in North America and the Hemisphere for thousands of years prior to European colonization since slavery seems to be common for primitive societies - especially those where warring with neighbors was de rigueur.  England wasn't even the first European country to bring enslaved Blacks to North America and the Western Hemisphere.  That first country was Spain - 100 years before the British.

And, of course, in Africa slavery had not only been thriving for centuries before 1619,  but would continue to be legal in many African countries to this day.  After all, slavery is a virtue if the slave is an infidel to fundamentalist Muslims.  Blacks enslave Blacks and Arabs enslave Blacks.  More inconvenient truths.

But all of those facts are conveniently ignored in order to manipulate people in the United States today.

Unfortunately, the U.S. government manipulating citizens is not a new development.  And so, it should come as no surprise that when mining the past for original documents, propaganda is exposed for what it is - as is the early history of Texas.

The facts of the Great Betrayal were uncovered as a result of a simple desire to collect maps associated with the origins and creation of Texas.  What are some of the most revealing?

  • Texas had NEVER been legitimate Spanish Territory.  It had been French.  The first European settlement was French.  The first Spanish settlement north of the Rio Grande wasn't until 200 years after the first Spanish settlements were established south of the Rio Grande (Why? North of the Rio Grande was French territory - and until the 1700's the Spanish and French kings were not related.).  The Spanish claim to what had always been France's Louisiana Territory was orchestrated in 1763 by the King of France, brother to the King of Spain, to defraud the victorious British who had won all of France's North American possessions and claims as a result of winning the Seven Years' War (also known in the U.S. as the French and Indian Wars).  Literally hours before the peace terms agreement for the treaty between France and England was signed, in the very same castle (in France - Fontainebleau) a secret treaty was signed between France and Spain ceding the Louisiana Territory (which included Texas) to Spain, with France retaining the right at any time to "re-cede" the Territory with the exact same boundaries.  The transfer was not recognized by England, as evidenced by publications from that period.  Even the transfer in 1819 from the U.S. to Spain was illegal - orchestrated by John Quincy Adams to prevent more slave states from entering the Union thereby deceiving those who had agreed to the Missouri Compromise that was being legislated at the same time that Adams concocted his deceit.  That treaty with Spain was never signed by the King (he repudiated the obviously fraudulent signature), Spain never recognized the treaty (nor did Mexico for its first 10 years), and the King had actually been deposed and was under house arrest with no authority at the time of the alleged signing by the King regardless.  So Texas had been French, not Spanish, and the fraudulent secret treaty was undone by Spain and France a few decades later - prior to France's sale of the Louisiana Territory (including Texas) to the U.S.

  • The Louisiana Territory sold to the U.S. by France included Texas, therefore.  Newspapers from the period document it.  Settlers in the territory understood they were U.S. citizens with U.S. rights including property rights.  The map used by the President and France (Bellin's) showed Texas as in the Louisiana Territory.  Later, during Congressional debates concerning Texas joining the Union, in the newspapers from the period the act of joining the Union was termed "re-annexation" for obvious reasons.

  • By attempting to transfer Texas to Spain, John Quincy Adams was literally selling U.S. citizens into slavery, as Spain was feudal and all inside Spanish territory - including residents - were the property of the King, and his to do with at his whim.  To Adams, it was obvious that the ends justified the means (especially when he personally did not make the sacrifice).  The irony should not be lost on anyone that it wasn't slavery that bothered Adams, it was political power since he had no problems selling his fellow American citizens into slavery.

More inconvenient truths.

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